Thanksgiving Attitude of Gratitude Well, here we are in mid-November, and we already celebrated Veterans’ Day. Although, what better way to usher in an attitude of gratitude. In fact, it seems we can’t thank our veterans enough, both living and deceased, for the many sacrifices they made to keep us free. As a result, it seems we cannot be grateful enough for the freedom we enjoy, in the USA. At the same time, there are many things we can do to show our gratitude. And, we can do that well in this holiday season, starting from Veteran’s Day. Then, through the day that we enshrine gratitude. That’s what it’s all about, right? A Thanksgiving attitude of gratitude.

Thanksgiving Attitude of Gratitude With Much to Be Thankful for in America

Americans enjoy prosperity more than any other people on earth. But at the same time, we tend to take many things for granted. And, we ought not to forget to appreciate them often, even daily.

We’ve heard the saying, “Everyday is a gift.” Why not have a Thanksgiving attitude of gratitude for each new day? Then, carry on, being grateful for our family, our friends and neighbors. In fact, the Thanksgiving holiday gives us pause to reflect on all the gifts we enjoy in our land and the people in our lives. At the same time, it comes with a special focus beyond our own circles. And, that focus takes us into a spirit of giving for those in need.

Americans are known worldwide for their generosity. And, we do our best to share food, drink and company with family and friends. At the same time, this year more than ever, we ought to keep reaching out to those less fortunate. You know, providing money, goods, or a helping hand go hand-in-hand with the spirit of Thanksgiving. Together with our own kitchens, let’s keep the soup kitchens humming. Let’s keep groups that truly help those in need humming! In fact, why shouldn’t we keep that spirit going past the holidays? In return, we may just find a fullness in gratitude.

Happy Thanksgiving, from the LaRoche Team!


Author larocheteam

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