27th PFAC Education Conference SponsorsWhenever the PFAC yearly conference comes around, you won’t find the LaRoche Team inattentive. Instead, you’ll find us enthused and prepared!  That’s how seriously we take our roles as PFAC sponsors. In fact, as 27th PFAC Education Conference sponsors, we geared up well in advance. And, it had us thrilled to attend, as we are each year. It’s an event we haven’t missed for over ten years now.

PFAC stands for Professional Fiduciary Association of California. And perhaps at no other time of the year, are we able to engage as much. At no other time are we able to be visible to as many related to our services. At no other time are we able to enjoy as much meeting of the minds. Not to mention as much networking and sharing about our services, than at the conference. In fact this year, it was held in May, at Disneyland in Anaheim. And, what a gathering it was! You could almost feel the enthusiasm in the air. Everyone, from sponsors like us, to attorneys, fiduciaries and speakers were well-pleased to attend. As a result, the engagement level was high.

27th PFAC Education Conference Sponsors and the Highlights

Of course, we might like to say the best highlight centered on our great success there, as sponsors. Although, the best highlight honestly centered on how everyone seemed to come away feeling quite successful. And, there is a good reason why it is called an ‘education’ conference. Everyone must have left with their heads full of the most data, for the best possible use of their skills.  Not to mention, the food and music was great. Besides that, what’s not to like about a bit of the royal treatment at Disneyland?

We are very grateful for the attorneys, fiduciaries and other related parties with whom we networked and shared our services. And, it is one of our main goals to grow such trust and partnership, throughout the year. Although, we know that with all the great back drop and fanfare, we, as 27th PFAC Education Conference sponsors and everyone else, attended mainly to improve our ability to help the people we serve!  In fact, that is our greatest satisfaction, in the work we do, as experts in California Probate and Trust real estate.

We want to end by letting our mission statement sum it all up. “With our unwavering commitment to our clients, we bridge customer-centric services with authentic care because we believe that everyone matters.” And, if you have a probate or trust real estate matter, reach out to us with confidence. In fact, why not give us a call today?


Author larocheteam

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