As the saying goes, you can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware. Be sure and spread the following holiday common sense safety tips around to everyone you know. We encourage you to follow these tips like second nature. The LaRoche Team and the LAPD want you to have a happy, joyful and safe Christmas and holiday season.
Holiday Common Sense Safety Tips When You are Out and About
Avoid driving alone or at night. Always keep car doors locked and windows closed, whether in or out of you car. Set your alarm or use an anti-theft device. At night park were there is plenty of light, and avoid parking next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with tinted windows. Park as close to you destination and possible. Don’t forget where you are parked. (We know that can happen to the best of us.) Have your keys ready before you get to the car. Put packages in the trunk of your car as soon as possible. Don’t approach your car if you see suspicious people in the area. Talk to security in that case and of course, never drink and drive.
Everyone knows they should keep their purse or wallet, money, pin# and credit card info close and carefully guarded, or do they? Distractions can make it easy to forget, but avoiding them can save you a lot of distress and may even save your life or the life of someone else sometime. Last but not least, keep a look out for any suspicious people and activity.