When people think of the Los Angeles CA area, they may often picture the bright lights and glam of the renowned city. But for people who live in the area, it is much more than that and multi-faceted. In fact, the area hosts dozens of satellite communities, each with their own, unique footprint. Everyone of them comes with a special story to tell, in living options and lifestyle. Not the least of which is Bellflower CA. It sits east of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and north of Long Beach, ensconced in lovely Bellflower neighborhoods and homes. Add to that its well-built out, close-knit, highly residential back drop.

Bellflower Neighborhoods and Homes Profile

Bellflower Neighborhoods and homesLike many other LA satellite towns, Bellflower used to be a ranching and farming community. But that changed after WWII, when the housing boom laid claim to the area. Then, the city blossomed into its fine, residential profile as seen today.

Bellflower neighborhoods and homes unfold across the city in a variety of forms. Although, neighborhoods tend to be well-ordered, on well-defined street grids. Homes come in a wide variety of options. You can find vintage, post-war, contemporary and modern types. And, you can find multi-family homes in the mix, depending on the niche. Many homes sit nestled close to conveniences and business corridors. Others nestle around the many fine schools and parks in Bellflower.

It’s not unusual to find sun-kissed, tree-lined streets hosting a repertoire of homes, in Bellflower. In fact, on a given street you may find everything from cozy vintage to large, luxury homes in the mix.  And, some of these luxury homes may be the result of older-home teardowns and new rebuilding.

Would you like to know more about the ‘beautiful flower’ of LA County? Are you interested in its residential focus, lovely neighborhoods and homes? Contact an area expert. You can find one representing the LA area for decades, at the LaRoche Team. Why not give them a call today?


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