
Happy Holidays

LaRoche Team Wishes You a Happy New Year

December 29, 2022

How is it possible? We’re about to say goodbye to 2022 and hello to 2023. Just the same, it seems like we must be almost getting used to the speed a year flies by lately! We may as well after all, since there’s no stopping the advancement of time! This time of the season gives us a chance to reflect back on the soon-to-be-past year. Not just with presents, it may give us a chance to “wrap things up.” Then, Read more

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Have a Safe and Happy New Year

December 28, 2021

It certainly seems like the year has flown by to everyone here at the LaRoche Team. And we say, not without a tinge of melancholy in our expression – it seems like no sooner has the Christmas season arrived that it’s zoomed by. As a result, here we are at the year’s end, with time marching full speed into 2022. Although, that’s what time surely winds up doing, every time. Then being reminded of that, many people, including us may Read more

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The Warmest Spirit of the Season

December 23, 2021
Merry Christmas from the LaRoche Team

Hard to believe Christmas is already taking up its place, warmly in our hearts and homes. And, the gentle flurry of gift buying and preparations is at its peak. In fact, could the spirit of Christmas be any more front and center than it is now? As the usual, yearly holiday naysayers seek to dampen it, the light only seems to shine even more keenly than ever on the warmest spirit of the season. As a result, it ought to Read more

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Protect Yourself During Halloween

October 28, 2021

Each year kids and adults alike look forward to Halloween. Since it’s a great time to get plenty of delicious treats and wear interesting costumes, that makes some sense. Although sadly, Halloween is also infamous for errant schemes and mischief, even harmful actions. And, those unaware can and have often fallen victim. Not good! As a result this season, all of us should be committed to staying safe, standing up and saying, “Not this time!” At the same time, whatever Read more

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the LaRoche Team

December 24, 2020
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the LaRoche Team

The holiday and Christmas season has arrived, as time marches on, unstoppable, like a steamroller. Although, the 2020 roller coaster will come to a stop, as a new year rounds the bend. And in the meantime, we can make something lasting and special happen. We can simply respond as the season greets us, with humble hearts, full of thanks and love. At the same time, thankful hearts and love shared can lift us out of time, transform these times. That’s Read more

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