
Probate real estate

27th PFAC Education Conference Sponsors

June 3, 2022

Whenever the PFAC yearly conference comes around, you won’t find the LaRoche Team inattentive. Instead, you’ll find us enthused and prepared!  That’s how seriously we take our roles as PFAC sponsors. In fact, as 27th PFAC Education Conference sponsors, we geared up well in advance. And, it had us thrilled to attend, as we are each year. It’s an event we haven’t missed for over ten years now. PFAC stands for Professional Fiduciary Association of California. And perhaps at no Read more

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Benefits of Living Trusts

May 31, 2022

When the topic of living trusts comes up, it is often contrasted with the topic of probate property. And, many folks are not sure what the difference is between them. Although truth is, a wide difference exists. Let’s start with probate. It is one way of handling the estate of a deceased person. In fact, it is the handling of such property with supervision by the court. That said, probate can be a lengthy process. And since costs of the Read more

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Thank You PFAC Conference Attorneys and Fiduciaries

September 13, 2021

The LaRoche Team looks forward to the PFAC Conference each year. And, we always make plans to attend. In fact, we plan to be an integral part, with much visibility at the event. You know, it’s our way of touching base with our base of attorneys and fiduciaries. As a result, the 26th Annual PFAC Conference definitely included us, in presence and participation! That said, the LaRoche Team wants to thank you PFAC Conference attorneys and fiduciaries, for a great Read more

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Pico Rivera Neighborhoods and Homes

June 8, 2021

The City of Pico Rivera CA joins Whittier and Montebello in an area east of Los Angeles and west of a few, large recreational areas. Also, Pico Rivera has plenty of its own, local park lands. In fact, it’s mainly residential, with hundreds of neighborhoods, top to bottom. As a result, Pico Rivera neighborhoods and homes include a wide variety of types and designs. At the same time, most are located in a well-built-out backdrop. As a result, you can Read more

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