
Thanksgiving Spirit of Gratitude

Expressions of Thanksgiving and Gratitude

November 28, 2022

It’s that time again, the holiday season, with Thanksgiving in the forefront. No one should be surprised. Like clockwork it arrives every year, right on time. While nothing new, the call to ‘count our blessings’ never gets old. In fact, Thanksgiving brings with it a fresh opportunity for renewal and gratitude. It allows us to take pause and be reminded of the people and things we appreciate most. Not only that, it reminds us of what we should be thankful Read more

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Thanksgiving Attitude of Gratitude

November 23, 2021

Well, here we are in mid-November, and we already celebrated Veterans’ Day. Although, what better way to usher in an attitude of gratitude. In fact, it seems we can’t thank our veterans enough, both living and deceased, for the many sacrifices they made to keep us free. As a result, it seems we cannot be grateful enough for the freedom we enjoy, in the USA. At the same time, there are many things we can do to show our gratitude. Read more

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