The Keller Williams Family Reunion 2018, held in Anaheim was an amazing and unforgettable event. Also, it was much more than its name implies. A family reunion, yes, it felt like a family affair. Although, it was a mega gathering, an expo brimming with ideas, people and activities. For us at the LaRoche Team, we wouldn’t have missed it for the world. In fact, you might say it was like the Comicon for real estate professionals. But, it was better yet! As a result, we came in contact with people from all walks of life. We enjoyed an expertly equipped and staged venue for the mega gathering. Even all that though, might not compare with the bounty of networking and training provided at Family Reunion 2018. We found dozens of power-packed training blocks and break out sessions to choose from. We came away feeling mega energized!

Power-Packed and Energizing Keller Williams Family Reunion 2018


With all the great events and features of the Keller Williams Family Reunion 2018, the Red Bash might have the edge on thrills. Also, it was lots of fun! With a huge turn out, costumed party goers were treated to an evening of music, dancing and games.

For us at the LaRoche Team, there were two, major takeaways from the Reunion. They were both the leap forward as real estate pros and as members of the human family. Events such as these are one-of-a-kind. They not only re-energize you. They inspire you. In fact, Reunion 2018 left us quite eager and well-equipped. We could barely wait to step out into a new, high-performance light as realtors. In fact, we’re already applying that to our clients’ needs. Although, that’s just our M. O. at LaRoche Team. We aim to outpace our own goals and those of our clients. No exceptions. It’s what we love to do.


Author larocheteam

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