Out by the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains and east of Los Angeles, you find a remarkable place. It’s called San Dimas. San Dimas has a remarkable profile, alright. In fact, other cities abut it that some might consider more notable, like Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga. Also, Pasadena sits just a hop-skip-and-a-jump away. As a result, it seems like San Dimas would need to have a lot of appeal to stand out in that crowd. Well, in fact, it does. First, it might be considered a bit smaller, not as sprawling as some of its sister cities. Second, it has a huge, regional park, with Raging Waters right alongside. Also, its neighborhoods are well planned and nicely arranged, as are its array of homes. They include beautiful back drops. As a result, San Dimas neighborhoods and real estate features easily create interest and get attention.
Let’s take a look at some of those back drops to find out more about what living in San Dimas would be like. We can start in that foothills area. There, rolling, green hills, so indicative of California’s beauty edge streets and homes.
San Dimas Neighborhoods and Real Estate Features Create Interest and Get Attention
A countryside feel comes with some neighborhoods around the foothills. At the same time, a wide variety of homes, both well-established and newer allow residents to enjoy a relaxed, suburban lifestyle. In fact, a few subdivisions edge homes up, into the back country. These homes are typically much newer, large, two-story types. They come with lots of upscale, luxury extras most anyone would love. Think custom homes, with big lots and stunning views!
As you head down, away from the foothills, there is still no shortage of lovely back drops. Generally more established, the San Dimas neighborhoods and real estate features here include great views of the rolling hills, and mountains beyond. At the same time, quiet streets and oodles of lovely homes roll out across the scene. They seem to brim with various levels in appeal.
In true, gracious living form, San Dimas neighborhoods and real estate features carry on with the same attraction and appeal across the I-210 and wrap around the Frank G. Bonelli Regional Park. What’s not to like!
Everyone seems to enjoy great schools for their kids, as well, in San Dimas. There’s Allen Avenue and Ekstrand Elementary Schools. Oh, and did I mention the golf courses? Golf course homes include those around San Dimas Canyon Golf Course. Come check out San Dimas. Better yet, connect with an area expert. Get insider info on neighborhoods and real estate. Get the same on San Dimas living, working and playing.