We attend the PFAC Conference each year, as full sponsors. Also, each time results in quite a rewarding experience. Although, this year’s Conference may just be the most rewarding yet, for us. In fact, meeting with new attorneys and fiduciaries, at our LaRoche Team booth was simply invaluable. It was the highlight. It gave our attendance quite a productive edge. Then, stirred our ability to help fellows in the industry. And, it helped make the whole Conference the huge success it was. As a result, we want to reach out. We want to extend a special thanks to new attorneys and fiduciaries we spoke with. We’re grateful for the unique chance to meet with you!
Special Thanks to New Attorneys and Fiduciaries at 24th Annual PFAC Conference
We get enthused about being at the annual PFAC events. You know, they’re among the few places where we can meet many, motivated people. Also, it’s where we have a chance to meet key players in the industry. It’s where we can meet new attorneys and fiduciaries. Although, we gain much just by listening and answering their questions. In fact, the LaRoche Team has been a proud sponsor of the PFAC for many years now. As a result, we have a keen sense of the valuable roles played by attorneys and fiduciaries. Plus, that grows our close ties with the industry. As a result, it enriches our full range of probate real estate services. Did you know those even include Firearms Safe Recovery and Transport? And, that’s at no extra cost, or obligation!
Our mission statement says, “…we believe that everyone matters.” And, that includes our clients. It includes partners, attorneys and fiduciaries. In fact, we know it’s a true privilege to work with all of them. Although, the 24th Annual PFAC Conference, in Anaheim enhanced our mission and what we do, thanks to those we met. As a result, again, special thanks to new attorneys and fiduciaries. From our point of view, your kind attention and valuable contribution of time and interest speaks volumes. It’s what helped to make the Conference a great success, for everyone.